The Inspire Experience

From first time competitors, to seasoned performers, everyone loves the welcoming and positive atmosphere at an Inspire National Dance Competition event. From “spotting the truck” and snapping selfies in the lobby with their dance family, to inspiring others on stage and celebrating their gift of dance at awards. The Inspire National Dance family would love for you to join us this year!

Meet the Team


A family of five gather for a picture. The father wears a blue shirt, the mother a red dress, the daughter a white dress and the two little boys graphic tees.
Owners Matt & Anne-Marie Jones with their children
Callie, Andrew, & Ethan.

Inspire National Dance Competition is a family owned and operated business dedicated to creating fun, professional and family-friendly events!  Since 2014, we have been dedicated to providing our dancers and their families with inspiring, punctual and organized events that they can rely on and enjoy. We pride ourselves in partnering with some of the most experienced, well-rounded judges and choreographers in the field. You can reach out to our office anytime and expect a quick response from one of our talented, knowledgeable team members. We are always happy to assist with any questions that you may have. We look forward to adding you and your dancers to the Inspire family!  We are so blessed and grateful that you are considering joining us this season.


Anne-Marie and Matt Jones ~ Owners of Inspire

Stephanie & Bo Viness

Stephanie & Bo Viness

Regional Directors

Nathan & Kelli Kinsaul

Nathan & Kelli Kinsaul

Regional Directors

Jamie Howard

Jamie Howard

Judge Coordinator & Regional Director

Alexis & Micah Mills

Alexis & Micah Mills

Regional Directors

Debbie & Gary Jones

Debbie & Gary Jones

Family Team Members

Nancy Messinger

Nancy Messinger

Business Manager

McKenzie Doran

McKenzie Doran

Marketing Coordinator


See what our dancing family has to say about us.

Judges & Choreographers

Say hello to the INSPIRE NDC Team.

Stephanie & Bo Viness

Stephanie & Bo Viness

Regional Directors

Nathan & Kelli Kinsaul

Nathan & Kelli Kinsaul

Regional Directors

Jamie Howard

Jamie Howard

Judge Coordinator & Regional Director

Debbie & Gary Jones

Debbie & Gary Jones

Family Team Members

Alexis & Micah Mills

Alexis & Micah Mills

Regional Directors

Nancy Messinger

Nancy Messinger

Business Manager

McKenzie Doran

McKenzie Doran

Marketing Coordinator

Contact Us

Are You A...(Required)

3002 Hawks Ridge Dr.
Statesboro, GA 30461


(912) 506-3967

Employment Opportunities


We always accept resumes for amazing individuals who are leaders and team players with upbeat personalities. We are interested in finding exciting, responsible people who want to make a difference and know it’s all about the dancers and their families. Please submit your resume by emailing info@inspirendc.com.

Judges & Choreographers

We will be screening and interviewing all judges and choreographers for the upcoming season during the summer prior. We always welcome new talent and will accept resumes throughout the year. Apply by submitting your resume and headshot to Jamie at staffinspirendc@gmail.com.

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

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Hollywood summer tour logo
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Discovery Spotlight | Sponsors | INSPIRE National Dance Competition
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